Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thoughts of a Mother

I have been facing a bit of a conundrum as of late. As a mother, nay, as a parent, we try to teach our children to be the best that they can be. But how do you teach your children this when you yourself are searching for that equation that shows you how to be the best? How to be the best citizen, the best student, the best manager, employee, person? As a parent who had her child at a young age, I find that now older and wiser I look back and wonder if I taught my oldest the right things, is it too late to impress upon him the wisdoms I have learned in my elder years? Can I salvage my parenting style and help my youngest son with these new views and gems of thoughts I have gathered these last couple of years, of months, weeks and days?

By trying too hard to teach my children the values of trying your best, have I failed them in other ways? Have I controlled too much of their choices and will my oldest face hardships with out his "mommy dearest" there to hold his hand as he ventures to college? Does his final two years left of high school give me adequate time to fix the wrongs I may have made?

These are the questions that haunt my days, my minutes and seconds as the clock ticks too fast towards that inevitable day where I have to cut the apron strings and send my son into the world......


  1. I too wonder if I am doing the right things with my children. I think any Mom (who cares) does. I am sure he is a fine young! Isn't there a saying about something like they learn 90% by example.
    p.s I responded to the comment you left on my last post back under the comments on my blog.

  2. Thank you! I hope that I have done right by him. He is a good boy!
